Whelp, I made it. I finally made time to get back to developing / tinkering.
What did I start with? Email server. That's right. I made my own email server with linux.
Yes, I hear all the gasps in the background.
Everything should be good to go: MX records, SPF, DMARC, and DKIM. I'm actually legit.
I should document my journey along the way because maybe there's someone that will
encounter the same issues I did, but I'll be able to provide help along the way. Pretty neat.
So far I have a an email server (postfix and dovecot) running on a Rasberry Pi (4Gb RAM) with Fail2ban. I have pretty basic rules
for psotfix/dovecot, but I'm sure that will evolve over time.
My intentions are to self-host my webpage so I can run php. I have some nginx projects I would like to do in the future, so we'll see.
In the meantime, be expecting more content later. I've done a lot (in technology), so I should be able to fill this out with some good information.
Oh yeah. I'm not using a CMS either. haha